Thursday, May 31, 2012

Build Day #4

Another morning to sleep in which was much appreciated after an evening exploring Mobile. After breakfast we piled back into the vans and over to our original build sites. Due to some projects at the local Restore building, six of us left which mean that Hannah, Arden and I headed over to the other build site. When we arrived we were treated with more painting and due to my stellar cutting from yesterday I was elected to do the same thing.


The house was pretty much the same size, but this one had a small shed out the back. Marcus and Kristina were hard at work building new doors which they would have to attach after lunch.

Marcus was way OCD and definitely lived up the measure twice cut once mentality; it could have been more like a measure three or four or five times.

Nap time after lunch was a thing that definitely happened and got us ready for the afternoon. Here Arden and I are demonstrating our new standing nap technique.

After the painting was finished, both houses worked on installing tile and flooring. I have seen people dong it on TCL and other tv networks and assumed that it would be a fairly easy process. The instructions we were given before starting we to lay down some plastic tarp, lock the pieces together and then use the saw to finish up. Well all of us just looked at each other and figured that with all the education and build experience we should be able to figure this out. WRONG! We were completely clueless ands got a better tutorial which helped. Wiggling the tongue and grooves together was by far the hardest part.

I did get to use a pretty bad ass saw.

Others were wailing away cutting and installing tile in the kitchens and bathrooms

The final crew and our Habitat leader Jerry


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