Monday, January 30, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

How Bicycling Will Save the Economy (if we let it)

A friend sent this article to me last week, and I thought that I would pass it along here on the blog.  Here are some of the highlights:

Over the past decade there has been a big push from local (and some state) governments to make roads and communities much more bike friendly.  I can say from first hand experience, while DC has some work to do, things are definitely way better now than they were six years ago when I started biking there. 

Recently there have also been several feasibility studies about the emerging bike culture, as well as how much money can stay in someone's community by making the switch two two wheels from four. 

"We don’t have to guess. It’s already emerging along urban, low-traffic bikeway networks nationwide. One thing is guaranteed: it includes a lot of new bike shops like this one on a bikeway in Baltimore — one of five new bike shops to have opened in the last two years in that city. A 2008 study in Portland clocked bicycle-related industry alone as contributing $90 million to the local economy every year."
For those that do them majority of commuting on their bike, they usually stay in a small radius from their home.  As a result they buy groceries, frequent local businesses and actually get to enjoy what their community has.  One of the biggest indicators of new bike communities is that businesses and local governments are starting to install bike racks. 

I will say the article does make me feel slightly guilty about having to use my car.  Hopefully the weather will finally beak here in PGH so I can start riding my bike again!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Affordable Housing Stat #6

Children who live in bad housing have lower educational attainment and a greater likelihood of being impoverished and unemployed as adults. (Harker: 2006)

Monday, January 23, 2012


“We should never forget that no fundraising effort ever succeeds unless one person asks another person for money.” 
– Andrew D. Parker Jr.

We have gotten off to a GREAT start here people!  So far you have helped me raise $3203, which means that we only have $1297 to go.  A big thanks to everyone who has donated so far - I have a whole bunch of post cards to send once I get out on the road. 

Have a friend or two or ten?  What about a family member?  A barista?  Do you like to strike up a conversation with the person next to you on the metro?  What about a co-worker you meet at the water cooler?  If you answered yes to any of those questions (if not we will need to talk about you getting out of the house more often) than spread the word of the blog, the challenge and all the good their money and advocacy can do!

Ready to make a contribution right now?  Check out the fundraising page

Citant Vélo de la Semaine #6

[T]he bicycle will accomplish more for women's sensible dress than all the reform movements that have ever been waged.  
~Author Unknown, from Demerarest's Family Magazine, 1895

If Alex and I were French, this would be our characture

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Are Those Carbon Wheels?

By now I am sure you have seen one or two (or ten) of the sh*t people say videos that have been popping up on YouTube over the last few weeks. put together their own version for bikers. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Pure Maddness

So many of you say that me biking across the country in 78 days is crazy, but I have one better.  Ours is looking like it will be just under 4,000 because of the stops we are making along the way.  What I told you that each year some endurance athletes set out to bike a 3,000 cross country trip in 10 days in what is known as The Race Across America

Check out the trailer for the Bicycle Dreams documentary which follows some of these riders in their quest for glory. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Affordable Housing Stat #5

Owning a home leads to a higher quality home environment, improved test scores in children (9 percent in math and 7 percent in reading), and reduced behavioral problems (by 3 percent). (Haurin, Parcel, and Haurin: 2002)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Citant Vélo de la Semaine #5

A bicycle does get you there and more.... And there is always the thin edge of danger to keep you alert and comfortably apprehensive.  Dogs become dogs again and snap at your raincoat; potholes become personal.  And getting there is all the fun.  
~Bill Emerson

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Urban Cycling

Thanks to a tweet from @bikeandrolldc I came across Urban Cycling, a free online book.  The pictures are BEAUTIFUL, there is some good history/discussion of bike politics, bike culture, statistics and did I mention the pictures?

Here were two of my favorite stats:

My one qualm about this book is that there are several people are not wearing a helmet. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Street Space

Here is a great image that depicts the amount of space gained on the road if the same number of people took the bus or biked each day instead of driving by themselves.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's Now or Never!

So since I finished building my bike I have been itching to get out on the road.  There was some bad weather yesterday and starting tomorrow the temp is supposed to drop and there is some snow in the forecast.  

As a result, this afternoon I ran home from the clinic, bundled up and pulled out my bike (it still needs a name).  I didn't want to head out too far just in case something disastrous happened.  The nice part about riding around some of the near by neighborhoods was that I got to see some cool things that I have missed on some of the longer walks I took just after I moved to PGH. 

Here are some pictures from Manchester, a listing on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975.
I found a super cool abandoned swimming pool

and some great Victorian houses.  

The crazy part is that there are also some super poor areas with abandoned homes and ones that are literally falling to pieces.  

I am proud to report that everything was in working order - no major mechanical problems.  This weekend I might fiddle around with the seat placement, but that is an easy enough fix. 

Affordable Housing Stat #4

Housing cost increases in U.S. cities have been linked to declines in enrollment at local schools.  
Click here to read a great article looking at the impact of affordable housing on schools.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Wheels Have Arrived


I got the word that the new bike had finally hit Pittsburgh!  I headed over to the UPS store after work and got the whole thing built in no time flat.  I will say that I am super proud of myself (granted the bike came with SUPER GREAT directions, stickers and arrows).  

The bike was just as big as me, but I was able to put the seats down in the car and brig it home in one piece!

What made me feel a bit more confident was a letter from Boko Bikes saying the bike had been built, test driven around and then repacked.  I am assuming that they put the fool proof stickers to make sure that everything was lined up properly and screwed in correctly.


I took a picture with the hopes that I will be able to put it all back in the box and ship it to J-Ville in a few months.

The fool proof stickers:

And just a few screws later, I had a built bike!!  
I am very excited for a shake down ride (and hopefully a long ride) this weekend sometime soon as it is supposed to be 20 degrees F and snow this weekend! 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Citant Vélo de la Semaine #4

When I go biking, I repeat a mantra of the day's sensations:  bright sun, blue sky, warm breeze, blue jay's call, ice melting and so on.  This helps me transcend the traffic, ignore the clamorings of work, leave all the mind theaters behind and focus on nature instead.  I still must abide by the rules of the road, of biking, of gravity.  But I am mentally far away from civilization.  The world is breaking someone else's heart. 
~Diane Ackerman

Friday, January 6, 2012

Giant Sponsors Real Riders

I just came across this tv ad that aired in Australia.  It caught my eye because Giant is our official bike sponsor.  Giant decided that they were going to sponsor 30 "real" riders - giving them the bike, the gear and support that major cycling teams receive.  Check it out!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Bike Has Been Ordered!!

So once each rider hits $1,000 they get an email from the B&B system saying they have been approved to order their bike.  Now that I have $3203 in the bank (thanks to everyone who has donated so far) it was time.

This year, like past ones, we are being sponsored by Giant and Bokoo Bikes.  All of the riders are given an Defy/Avail (man's vs. woman's frame) with the option of an upgrade.  I decided to take the first level upgrade which means that in a few weeks this beauty will show up at my doorstep (or the UPS store):

 It looks like I will have another red bike to add to my collection!
I am super excited to get out on the road and take it for a test spin!

Affordable Housing Stat #3

There is NOT A SINGLE COUNTY in the U.S. where a full-time minimum wage worker can afford even a one-bedroom apartment at what HUD determines to be the Fair Market Rent. (NLIHC: 2006).

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Citant Vélo de la Semaine #3

It would not be at all strange if history came to the conclusion that the perfection of the bicycle was the greatest incident of the nineteenth century.  
~Author Unknown

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Kicking 2012 Off Right

Alex and I (can you tell I have a biking partner in crime) decided to head out for an early, New Years Day ride.  It was definitely a little bit chilly, but we made record time despite the head wind, heading out to National Harbor.

It was originally a temporary instillation that lasted for 27 years at the end of Hains Point until the statue was sold and moved to National Harbor in 2008.  In my opinion it looked much better on Hains Point, but I don't have the $750,000 to buy the sculpture and move it back. 

From a previous trip to National Harbor
Before we headed back to the District, we found the most ridiculous statue EVER!

Rocking the Bike and Roll Jersey!!
Partner In Crime Emulating Said Statue

30 more miles to add to the training log!