Monday, April 30, 2012

Citant Vélo de la Semaine #20

The bicycle enables us to escape many other machines: We use it for transportation, sport, recreation, and make it a way of life.
- Jobst Brandt, famous wheel builder, and author of The Bicycle Wheel

Handlebar Moustache

Thursday, April 26, 2012

3 National Parks in One Summer

This summer as we hit West, our group is going to hit not one, not two, but THREE National Parks.  I somehow got the Grand Canyon and Zion, but missed that we will be biking through a park of Yosemite too. 

I was fortunate enough to see the Grand Canyon a few years back with a bunch of friends over spring break.  Seeing the sunrise over the Grand Canyon was on my bucket list and I somehow convinced them to pile into a mini van and let me drive 5 hours through the night.  It was totally worth it!  The Grand Canyon was formed over 17 million years ago; the landscape continues to change as the Colorado River runs through the canyon.  Many know it for its amazing (and expansive) landscapes, and thick sequences of ancient rocks which have helped geologists learn about the early geologic history of North America. 

Next we will hit up Zion National Park which was first inhabited over 12,000 years ago by individuals who tracked mammoths across Utah.  Unfortunately this and other large animals were over hunted/died due to climate change cultures were forced to change.  The Virgin Anasazi is one such example of how farming began to take root (no pun intended) within the area.  The Anasazi had to move southeast about 800 years ago due to drought and overuse.  The area was most recently inhabited by Morman farmers in the mid-19th Century.

Today the park is most well known for its scenery which varies from small, narrow canyons to sandstone cliffs.  This one might get a little hot with the average temperatures in the high 90s low 100s.


Rounding out the trip will be a quick trip through Yosemite.  3.7 million people visit this seven square mile park.  The backdrop is varied ranging from its internationally recognized cliffs, waterfalls and Gian Sequoia trees.  One of the most well known areas is the Yosemite Tunnel View (pictured below).  I am not sure if we will be in this part of the park, but fingers are crossed.

Affordable Housing Stat #18

Monday, April 23, 2012

Citant Vélo de la Semaine #19

Cyclists are open-minded. Cyclists are egalitarian. Cyclists share a fellowship of the wheel that can overcome all political, social, racial and economic barriers. Except for recumbents.
- Ted Costantino, cycling journalist

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


In honor of the SUS '12 team meeting IN LESS THAN A MONTH, please check out this awesome Kazookeylele - Ukulele rendition of The Final Countdown.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Citant Vélo de la Semaine #18

Bicycles are the indicator species of a community, like shellfish in a bay.
-- P. Martin Scott

Saturday, April 14, 2012

GAP Trail, Revisited

I headed out this afternoon and picked up the Great Allegheny Passageway trail.  Thankfully we have not gotten much rain so by the time I hit the limestone portion of the trail it was much smoother than the last time I was there. 

First stop on the trail was the Pump House of the Carnegie Steel Company's Homestead Works.  Here lies one of the bloodiest battles in American labor's history and the events which took place at the Pump House lead to the 1892 Homestead Strike and Lockout. 

One day I will actually be in a picture with my bike

The Pump House is the building on the left

One of the things I am excited most for this summer is being able to see trains.  Since I was a kid I always loved watching them, especially when our dad would take us to the diner and we could sit at the counter and watch them go by. 

In Boston I made a quick stop in a a gift store to grab a Gatorade and a homemade chocolate peanut butter chip cookie!  The store was a part of a B&B and in the gift section I saw this apron and thought of Mer. 

I even got to test out a new Element Bar - Two thumbs WAY WAY up for the Banana Repair bar. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Holy Hamburger!

On my way back from the gym I came across the ginormous hamburger.  I would put money on the fact that I could get both myself and my bike in this burger.

With that in mind, this summer the SUS '12 team will be checking out some local hot spots thanks to the help of Guy Fieri.  Burning thousands of calories a day will allow us to try out some of the best comfort food the south has to offer.  I of course will keep you posted with the spoils from the road so keep checking back!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Citant Vélo de la Semaine #17

When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking.
- Arthur Conan Doyle

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hit 500 Miles

Bernard and I hit a milestone today by hitting the 500 mile mark - everyone is supposed to bank 500 miles before we meet up in Jacksonville.  The weather has been holding out so I tootled over to Oakmont, around the North Shore before making it back to the casa.  Next on the list is tackling my affordable housing presentation.  Look for some posts in the coming weeks on the link between AH and health outcomes. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Affordable Housing Stat #16

  • Veterans reported being homeless an average of 5.7 years, compared with 3.9 years reported by non-veterans.
  • Among the 12,500 people who said they had been homeless for more than two years, veterans averaged nine years, compared with 7.3 years for non-veterans.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wind Map

We all knew that we would be up against some major headwinds (especially once we hit the middle of the country), but this puts it into perspective!  Check out a cool, daily wind map one of the bikers posted. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Element Bars

A few years ago I got my sister a gift certificate to make her own granola.  A few weeks ago I came to find out that the company was making granola and power bars.  After a few failed attempts of trying to find the perfect bar, I decided to give Element Bars a try.  It also helped that they were offering a free mixed pack of bars with each purchase. 

A few days ago they showed up in the mail and I was definitely impressed with the outcome!  You can pick from some favorites or make your own bars. 

Citant Vélo de la Semaine #16

Life is like a ten speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.
Charles M. Schulz