Sunday, June 10, 2012

Build Day #10

As we were staying in a church downtown, breakfast was served at 6:30 which meant we had some time to kill before we had to head over to our Rebuilding Together site. While several people opted to head back to bed I headed straight for the closest coffee shop for an iced coffee. Armed with a hat, rain coat and iced coffee I wandered around town until our 8am roll out time. The leaders were nice enough to throw us a bone and drove us to the site instead of making us bike over in the rain (we had enough rain from yesterday for sure).

Rebuilding Together is an organization which works to help homeowners with home maintenance so they tend to work with senior citizens; they have recently kicked off a program to help veterans as well. This morning we would be working with a local Catholic organization to repaint their large dining room and some of their back rooms.

At this point I should back up to quickly talk about caffeine intake. Before the trip started I decided to cut out caffeine for fear that we would not have coffee at breakfast and I would have to go through withdrawal while pedaling down the road. Fast forward a few weeks to today and on my coffee run I sprung for a medium iced coffee. Said caffeine hit just as we were starting to paint and I was bouncing off the wall.


The work day ended at two so we had the afternoon free to wander around. A group of us headed out to check out some of the things that I had not seen this morning. First on the tour was the old capital, but due to some confusion it turns out that it was closed. As a result we headed to the new capital building because there is a great view from the top which gives you a 360* view of the city. It was well worth the sprint over because the view was great and we got an awesome dance video.

Final stops were over to the USS KIdd, a ship from WWII, and then over to the old governor's mansion.




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