Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Donation Magic from New Belgium!!

As soon as I was accepted to be a part of Bike and Build this summer, I started to look for sponsorships from local businesses and national known companies.  After watching a short video from Ryan Van Duzer, I realized that a part of his cross country bike ride was sponsored by New Belgium (check out the super cool jersey he is wearing at 0:30).  On a whim I sent a fundraising letter asking for their support and today I received an email saying that they had donated to my ride.   


I have long been a fan (since my 21st birthday of course) of Fat Tire beer and was super pumped when I was able to find it in DC before I moved away this fall.  The company's founder started everything from his small basement and from there it grew into a nationally known brewery.

They are also are big bike advocates and have their own Wonder Bike Team which encourages people to bike more and drive less.

Another reason I am a huge fan of the company is because they seem themselves as environmental stewards and are striving to achieve the following goals: 
  1. Lovingly care for the planet that sustains us.
  2. Honor natural resources by closing the loops between waste and input.
  3. Minimize the environmental impact of shipping our beer.
  4. Reduce our dependence on coal-fired electricity.
  5. Protect our precious Rocky Mountain water resources.
  6. Focus our efforts on conservation and efficiency.
  7. Support innovative technology.
  8. Model joyful environmentalism through our commitment to relationships, continuous improvement, and the camaraderie and cheer of beer
Again, BIG thank you again for your support New Belgium. Help me raise a glass or two when you see it in your local bar/pub.  I will definitely try to find some while we are out on the road!

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