Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Girl Could Get Used to This

The weather was BEAUTIFUL here today - 65, sunny and a light breeze.  I had been itching to get out on the road all morning so I bagged studying and headed out.  Can you please note how little clothing I am wearing compared to some of my other rides

Today I figured I should work in some hills so before heading out on one of the river trails I ran up to Troy Hill (I should have warmed up for a little bit because the legs were not quite ready to get to the top).  It was super quiet up there and you would think that I was riding around with my helmet on fire or something - I guess they don't get a lot of bikers up there. 

Troy is home to the Western PA Firefighters Memorial

And a lone piece of great street art

 There was a great view of downtown at the top of the hill.  I snagged this one on the way up ... the best was cruzing down the hill at 30 mph saying a silent prayer that I would not hit a pothole. 

Everyone and there mother was out on the trails today (understandable because of the nice weather) so I figured I would save myself some headache and try to do the majority of my riding out on the road.  The only problem was I got a bit lost and missed a turn or two.  I did come across this great sculpture over the Andy Warhol bridge

After passing this contraption for what seems like hundredth time, I finally got a picture.   

While popping down the trail I decided to be DARING and decide to bike up to Mt. Washington.  Now for those of you who are not familiar with Mt. Washington, it is known for its steep hill and spectacular view of the city.  So I was bopping up the hill slowly making my way up the hill and after making a right turn onto the access road saw that the road was closed and my only other option was to hop a median and/or to get on the Liberty Bridge.  The second was NOT an option as cars were wizzing by at 60923840 mph so I decided to make the hop (thankfully Bernard and I made it).  From there it was further up the road to Allen Town and then back down the hill.  Thankfully I was going the speed limit so I took up the whole lane. 

The rest of the ride went pretty well except for being dumped out onto a highway again.  I also found this mural on the way home (a different route than I normal) so I took it as a sign and treated myself to some ice cream. It is a little disconcerting that the sprinkles are being spit out of the soda jerk's mouth, but for now I will look past that.

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