Saturday, June 23, 2012

Living in the Moment

One of the great things about this trip is the lack of distractions and constantly being plugged in. While it is nice to have the world at your finger tips, it is nice to get back to real conversations and taking in the scenery that might otherwise be missed while driving or flying.

After a ride the other day Alex and I got to talking about living in the moment. As we are literally on the road every day going from one city to the next, it is really hard to keep track of where you are coming from and where you are going; many times people ask where we are coming from and all we can do is give them blank stares. As things begin continue to blur, a problem that becomes exceedingly difficult as we see more of the country, it is even more important to pay close attention and try to take away as much as possible over the next few weeks. While I can continue to taken video and pictures to try and remember, I am a little saddened that there will be some amazing moments that I will forget. Thankfully the rough roads, bad cue sheets and sore muscles are easier to take, and in some instances forget, when I think back and reflect on all the great times we have been having.

While I might not call you back for days or reply to your text right away you are all in the back of my mind and I make mental notes about stories I want to share when I get back.

With five weeks down (crazy) and only six weeks to go, here's to living in the moment: trying new experiences, deciding to take the extra detour for a site, not complaining about tired legs, etc. I also want to throw out a HUGE thank you to everyone who has been reading over the last few weeks (I can check to see how many of you log in each day). It is always nice when I hear that friends and family of other participants are reading along; it makes me feel less like I am writing to a big black hole. I am doing my best to put in as much detail and pictures as possible so it is like you are riding along with all of us. Let me know if want to hear more about things or have any fun ideas of things we should look for on the road/things we should try.


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