Wednesday, May 30, 2012

First (Almost) Century Ride

Pensacola to Mobile, Alabama: 95.6 + 5 mile ferry ride

Total mileage: 726 miles + 5 mile ferry ride


First I would like to say that it is amazing what a good nights sleep on a futon will do for you. We were hooked up with a church that had enough couches for all of us. After a quick breakfast we were out on the road by 7:15. The headwind from yesterday destroyed my legs so getting going this morning was rough. Thanks to David (I would like to give a shout out to Violet, David's mom, who is a reader of this site) we were able to get ourselves out on the road without looking like too much of a disaster.


One of the big highlights of the morning would be that we would be riding into Alabama. We were surprised at how quickly we came upon the stateline and of course stopped to take some pictures and video.

After our first lunch we had to book it to the ferry. We had to cover about 15 miles in just over an hour which was doable, but we definitely had to kick it into high action. With five minutes to spare we boarded the ferry and headed off to the other side. The two groups behind us made it only seconds before they stopped taking passengers.

A bunch of us were able to catch a quick power nap, but we were pretty sore when we had to get going again. After we hopped off the ferry the next project was to find some food. The speedy ride to the ferry, spring for some, made for some hungry bikers. After about eight miles we ran across this hole in the wall restaurant called Mary's place.


Two of the riders decided to partake in the monster burger challenge in which each participant had to eat a two pound burger with all the trimmings. If they were able to finish their meals which mean that their burgers were half price. Let's just say that those burgers did not have a chance. Marcus finished his off in under nine minutes and Holly was done in under 20 (she actually enjoyed it).

Thanks to our second lunch we had enough energy to get us to the host site whereshowersand ns of vegetables and fruit were calling our names. The one thing about the south is that fruit comes out much earlier. Hopefully we will be able to find some farmers markets as we continue west.


Tomorrow is a build day and we are all super excited that we will be driven to our work sites. It will be a quick trip here in Alabama as we have two build days and then will be rolling out and over to Mississippi.


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